Before your visit:

Please make sure your form is filled out COMPLETELY when booking your appointment. BC Healthcare number Required (Please use 1234567890 if you don’t have one).


Rescheduling/cancelling appointments: Reschedule the appointment is free if given at least 2 days notice. There will be $50 fee charge if given notice within 48 hours and before the appointment. Cancellations notified 24 hours before the appointment will be charged $50 fee, the rest will be refunded in 7-10 business days. There will NOT be any refunds for any cancellations notified within 24 hours before the appointment or no show.

更改预约日期需要提前至少2天通知我们,可以免费更改; 如果48小时内通知更改预约日期需要付手续费$50。取消预约需要扣除$50手续费,余额7-10个工作日原路退回。当天通知取消或者没有来预约,则没有退款。

After a successful booking and payment, it may take 3-4 minutes to receive the confirmation email. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this delay and kindly remind you to expect a brief delay in receiving the confirmation email.


MMC Medical Group covers a wide range of professional medical services, including medical aesthetics, localized surgical plastic surgery, general family medicine, dental medicine, immigration medical examinations, and more.

We are also dedicated to disease prevention, diagnosis, comprehensive anti-aging research, and helping individuals improve their quality of life and happiness index, while achieving the goal of longevity. Our related services include (in-depth) medical examinations, functional medicine, and various other health services.

MMC WELLNESS GROUP是加拿大最权威的综合医疗服务机构之一,我们拥有一支经验丰富的、高素质、多学科医疗专家团队,包括家庭医生、专科医生、药剂师、营养师、物理治疗师、心理咨询师和执业护士等。我们的多元化医疗服务涵盖综合医疗、健康管理和预防保健,包括家庭医学、专家⻔诊、健康体检、移⺠体检、牙科、医学美容、局部手术整形外科和功能医学计划等,是大温地区医疗、保健、医美一站式服务综合体。

MMC WELLNESS 旗下的Midtown Medical Clinic成立于2011年,是加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)和维多利亚大学医学院指定的医学博士(MD)、执业护士(NP)硕士专业的临床教学基地。我们与加拿大本土及国际顶尖医疗机构紧密合作,凭借精湛的医疗技术、秉承人性化的服务理念以及领先世界的医疗设施,为大温地区的多元化社区提供直通MSP的优质家医诊疗服务,以及定制化的高端医疗服务。

MMC Medical Group covers a wide range of professional medical services, including medical aesthet... Read More

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Located at: 8780 Blundell Rd, 130, Richmond
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